
  • Name: Recarburizer

  • Model: Carbon 85-98.5;

  • Size: 1-5mm,1-3mm, 2-8mm, 8-25mm;

  • Shape: Grain, Lumps, Powder, Rod;

  • Usage: Recarburizer, Carburant, Carbon Additive

Recarburizer is one type of carbon additive for steel and cast iron in the high temperature. Low content of nitrogen is a significant characteristic of the material. Recarburizer is used to adjust the carbon content of the steel while it is still liquid before casting. Also, it is applied during the steelmaking with low cast iron content in charge in Siemens-Martin, oxygen converter and electro smelting processes.

There are many kinds of raw material for recarburizer including carbon, coke and graphite etc. and production process is also different. High quality recarburizer refers to carburant through graphitization, under the condition of high temperature. Graphitization can reduce the content of impurities in the carburant, sulfur content and improve the carbon content of carburant.

Recarburizer is used in casting, which can greatly increase the dosage of scrap steel and reduce the dosage of pig iron. Different kinds of cast iron, depending on need, choose different kinds of recarburizer. Pure carbon graphite material reduces too much impurity in the iron so use appropriate recarburizer can reduce the cost of castings.

Specifications of Recarburizer
Model F.C S N Size
Calcined Coal 90%/93% no data    no data 1-3mm or 1-5mm
Granular Graphite 90%/95% 0.05%max 800 ppm φ 6mm, cylindrical granules
Petroleum Coke 98.0%min 0.5%max 10000 ppm 1-5mm
Graphited Petroleum
98.0%min 0.05%max 300 ppm 1-5mm